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1759 Guinness Club

Named in honour of the year Arthur Guinness signed a 9,000 year lease on St. James’ Gate Brewery in Dublin, the 1759 Club rewards Guinness adorers who are true ambassadors of Guinness and what it stands for. So if you enjoy a Guinness why not sign up to the 1759 Guinness Club. Your pints total will be recorded and you can monitor your score against other The Rose locals on our "leaders" board. 

Why Join:

When you reach 100 pints your names goes up on the board and you receive a 1759 T-shirt

At 500 pints you receive a 1759 club pin and a St Patrick Day T-shirt from Guinness every year

At 1000 pints you receive a 1759 club vest and a St Patrick Day T-shirt from Guinness every year

At 2500 pints you receive a 1759 club jacket and a St Patrick Day T-shirt from Guinness every year


  • Go to and click ‘Register’ in the top right corner. - IMAGE
  • Sign up with your personal details, be sure to choose which bar you would like to register to. IMPORTANT NOTE: You'll find The Rose is registered under "MASONIC".
  • Once you’ve submitted your details, you will receive an email to activate your account. If you
    don’t receive an email, please check your Spam/Junk folders.
  • Click the activation link in your email, you are now an active member.
  • Please note you'll find when you login that "MY PROFILE PAGE" is currently under construction. At this stage, members are unable to see their
    pint level from their profile page as this is still in development. If you would like an update on your pint level, just ask our team who'll be able to update you in the meantime.